February 28, 2023
By Stripe One
Loading states should have been factored in by default when making any calls to an external API. We retrofitted them when we understood the potential delays in returning data from the API, but it would have been more efficient to do this at the outset.
It would have been more efficient if we had modeled out the components in advance and include within the DoR which component the User Story would use before any dev work took place.
For example, Module medication reminder was used in multiple places; create pet, create reminder, and add reminder. But the development work was in three separate user stories (and it belonged to two separate features) so we ended up reworking it over time a fair bit.
A poor performing Dev environment hampered our ability to see whether functionality was working as expected. Had the dev environment been responding adequately then we would have been more in-tune to the slow return of data from the APIs themselves.
A successful load test should have been performed on the QA environment before we went live with any of the features.
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