The User Story can be defined as Ready when:
- The User Story contains the following elements:
- Title (e.g. Generating Results modal)
- User Story: As a [User type/Persona] …. I want [to do something] …. So that [Business case]
- Acceptance Criteria using Given [Scenario], When [Action], Then [Outcome] format OR bulleted list of requirements.
- Parent Links (Epic AND Feature)
- Size (Fibonacci)
- Designs (where applicable)
- User Flows or wireframes Prototypes etc. where applicable.
- User story adheres to INVEST principles (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable).
(The story must be small enough to complete in a sprint).
- The User Story is correctly prioritized in the backlog
- The User Story is not blocked by any dependencies
- External API requirements are identified and relevant access (API Key & secrets) is provided.
- Relevant credentials for SaaS products are provided.
- Happy and Sad paths are highlighted in the Acceptance Criteria.
- Validation rules (e.g. required form fields) and associated on-screen messages (e.g. alert messages “Email address invalid”) are defined in the Acceptance Criteria.
- On-screen messages defined (e.g. validation messages “Email address invalid”)
- The story is understood by the development team and the Quality Assurance/Testing Team.
The team have enough information to be confident of delivering it in a sprint – their questions on the Why, What and How have been answered.
Reporting a bug:
The following details should be provided when reporting a bug, to ensure it meets the ‘Definition of Ready’ and can be investigated accurately by the development team.
- System info (e.g. Device, Operating System, Browser & Version etc.)
- User type or role (e.g. anonymous user, administrator, member, specific user account, etc.) if applicable.
- A description of repro-steps which illustrate the actual behaviour (i.e. List the steps to reproduce the bug). Screenshots or video recordings can be useful here.
- Step 1 (e.g. Open tab)
- Step 2 (e.g. Click on the button at the bottom of the opened tab)
- Step 3 (e.g. The button does not take me to a new page)
- A description of repro-steps which illustrate the expected behaviour
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3