Definition of Ready

The User Story can be defined as Ready when:

  1. The User Story contains the following elements:
    1. Title (e.g. Generating Results modal)
    2. User Story: As a [User type/Persona] …. I want [to do something] …. So that [Business case]
    3. Acceptance Criteria using Given [Scenario], When [Action], Then [Outcome] format OR bulleted list of requirements.
    4. Parent Links (Epic AND Feature)
    5. Size (Fibonacci)
    6. Designs (where applicable)
    7. User Flows or wireframes Prototypes etc. where applicable.
  2. User story adheres to INVEST principles (Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable).

(The story must be small enough to complete in a sprint).

The team have enough information to be confident of delivering it in a sprint – their questions on the Why, What and How have been answered.

Reporting a bug:

The following details should be provided when reporting a bug, to ensure it meets the ‘Definition of Ready’ and can be investigated accurately by the development team.

  1. System info (e.g. Device, Operating System, Browser & Version etc.)
  2. User type or role (e.g. anonymous user, administrator, member, specific user account, etc.) if applicable.
  3. A description of repro-steps which illustrate the actual behaviour (i.e. List the steps to reproduce the bug). Screenshots or video recordings can be useful here.
    1. Step 1 (e.g. Open tab)
    2. Step 2 (e.g. Click on the button at the bottom of the opened tab)
    3. Step 3 (e.g. The button does not take me to a new page)
  4. A description of repro-steps which illustrate the expected behaviour
    1. Step 1
    2. Step 2
    3. Step 3
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