WordPress Blocks

WordPress Blocks were introduced in the latest major WordPress release (called Gutenburg). Blocks allow content editors more flexibility in laying out content, including embedding social media. Some of the standard blocks have been created on this page.

Paragraph Block

This is the paragraph WordPress block. Using this will allow the creation of a regular paragraph wrapped in the <p> tag.

List Block

Quote Block

This is the quote block

Carol Singer

Verse Block

This is the verse WordPress block, I'm not sure what it will look like? What happens if I write another line?

Latest Posts Block

Pullquote Block

This is a pull quote

Stripe One, 2020

Embed Tweet Block

Calendar Block

February 2025

50/50 Column Block

This is the first of the 50/50 columns. This is the first of the 50/50 columns. This is the first of the 50/50 columns. This is the first of the 50/50 columns.

This is the second of the 50/50 columns. This is the second of the 50/50 columns. This is the second of the 50/50 columns. This is the second of the 50/50 columns. This is the second of the 50/50 columns. This is the second of the 50/50 columns. This is the second of the 50/50 columns.

1/3 Column Block

This is the first of the 1/3 columns. There will be more content in the first block but as these columns use flex they will adjust to the height as required.

This is the second of the 1/3 columns.

This is the third of the 1/3 columns.

Column 1 on the 2nd row

Column 2 on the 2nd row

Column 3 on the 2nd row and I’ll make this column a little bit longer.

Button Block

Separator Block

Custom JavaScript Block

A heading

Blocklab Basic Block

Heading 3

Text area for freeflow text.

And where I can create new paragraphs.

BBC Website




CTA Full Width Block

CTA Block

This is a CTA block. It has a title field and a URL field.

CTA Block(s)

These are multiple CTA blocks within a three-column layout. It has a title field and a URL field.

Job Advert Custom Block

This is the job advert custom block that has been created with block lab.

Manchester City

Content Creator

Do you want to work for the most innovative sports team on planet earth? Are you relentlessly creative and want to work with perhaps the worse Football club in the country.

View full job description


Media Relations Lead

We are looking for a Media Relations Lead to support the communications team in protecting, sustaining and enhancing the reputation of the club by leading on our media relations strategy.

View full job description

Article Spacing Block

Heading 2

This is the main body copy the first paragraph. The block ‘Article spacing’ is generally used with paragraphs only with a H2 as a heading.

This is the 2nd paragraph. but how do I add a hyperlink?

Useful Resources Block

Useful Resources

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